

HP Cases

The Department of Housing Preservation and Development (DHPD or HPD) issues violations against apartments if there are repairs needed at the time of inspection. DHPD will then take a landlord to court, seeking monetary fines.

I can defend you and get the minimum penalty for the situation. DHPD takes landlords to court for lack of heat and/or hot water during "Heat Season" (October 1 through May 31 of each year), as well as for outstanding repairs in all areas of the building. If you are facing an HP case, you should get legal assistance to ensure that you can minimize your liability. Similarly, the Environmental Control Board (ECB) issues violations for construction, water, fire prevention, and other building matters.

It is possible to negotiate down fines with ECB, but you must have an experienced representative to help you achieve the result. Contact me to discuss your options.

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